• Plant & Forest

    Carbon stock and analysis on factors influencing in Quercus mongolica stand at Mt. Gariwang, South Korea
    Su Ho Lee, Yeong Dae Park
    This study was carried out to assess the carbon stock and analyze influencing factors in Quercus mongolica which is one of the … + READ MORE
    This study was carried out to assess the carbon stock and analyze influencing factors in Quercus mongolica which is one of the dominant species on Mt. Gariwang, Gangwon-do. The study sites were established a total 24 plots with a 400 m2 sized which is divided by elevation and slope to measure aboveground biomass and soil carbon concentration to a depth of 50 cm. The tree biomass carbon stock was the highest at 222.17 tC·ha-1 on south-facing slopes above 1,000 m and the lowest at 123.11 tC·ha-1 on south-facing slopes below 1,000 m. The soil carbon stock was the highest at 89.5 tC·ha-1 on north-facing slopes below 1,000 m and the lowest at 65.4 tC·ha-1 on south-facing slopes below 1,000 m. A total carbon stock which is included tree biomass, soil carbon stocks and litter layer carbon stocks was the highest on south-facing above 1,000 m (297.135 tC·ha-1). Tree carbon stocks showed a positive correlation with altitude (r = 0.76) but a negative correlation with biodiversity (r = -0.85). Soil carbon storage was positively influenced by factors such as available phosphorus, total nitrogen, and cation exchange capacity. These results showed how environmental factors influence forest carbon storage and the importance of its management and long-term monitoring for optimal carbon management in response to climate change. In conclusion, the carbon storage in Q. mongolica at Mt. Gariwang was to be superior to our national average, and it should be importantly considered the need for conservation and sustainable management of forest carbon in this region. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Animal

    Study on the effects of immune-modulatory substances (probiotics, microalgae, and trifoliate orange peel extract) to improve intestinal health in piglets
    Seong-Hun Shim, Min-Ji Kim, Myung-Hoo Kim, Jin-Young Jeong
    Traditionally, pig farms have frequently used antibiotics to enhance disease resistance. However, the frequent use of antibiotics has led to various issues, … + READ MORE
    Traditionally, pig farms have frequently used antibiotics to enhance disease resistance. However, the frequent use of antibiotics has led to various issues, including public health concerns about antibiotic-resistant bacteria, prompting stricter regulations on antibiotic use. Consequently, there is a need to develop immune-modulatory substances to replace antibiotics and enhance immunity in piglets. In this study, changes in the immune status of piglets were examined by adding immune-modulatory substances (Parachlorella spp., Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. tolerans, and trifoliate orange peel extract) to their feed. Over a period of 4 weeks, the addition of these immune-modulatory substances showed no significant effects on feed efficiency and feed intake. Furthermore, there were no significant effects on the blood metabolic parameters and blood cell counts of the piglets. all the immune-modulatory substances used in this study did not significantly affect the morphological changes in the jejunal tissue of the piglets. However, the addition of trifoliate orange peel extract to piglet feed resulted in an increase in both the inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-2 and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 compared to the control group. These results suggest that the addition of trifoliate orange peel extract to piglet feed may affect the immune development of piglets. Additionally, the observed decrease in specific Prevotella and increase in Oxalobacter imply that the addition of trifoliate orange peel extract to piglet feed may help gut health in piglets. Collectively, the results of this study suggest that the addition of trifoliate orange peel extract can improve gut health in piglets and serve as a safe feed additive without adverse effects on the animals. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Animal

    A study on the correlation between muscle-to-fat ratios in Boston butt, pork belly, and half-carcass
    Sheena Kim, Jeongin Choi, Eun Sol Kim, Gi Beom Keum, Hyunok Doo, Jinok Kwak, Sumin Ryu, Yejin Choi, Juyoun Kang, Haram Kim, Yeongjae Chae, Ahwon Sung, Yujung Lee, Dongjun Kim, Kuk-Hwan Seol, Sun Moon Kang, Yunseok Kim, Pil Nam Seong, In-Seon Bae, Soohyun Cho, Hyo Jung Kwon, Samooel Jung, Youngwon Lee, Hyeun Bum Kim
    This study aimed to compare the correlation between muscle-to-fat volume ratios in specific pork cuts (Boston butt and pork belly) and the … + READ MORE
    This study aimed to compare the correlation between muscle-to-fat volume ratios in specific pork cuts (Boston butt and pork belly) and the half-carcass using computed tomography (CT). CT scans of 21 crossbred gilt carcasses were performed to measure the muscle and fat volumes in the Boston butt and pork belly. The results indicated a muscle-to-fat volume ratio of 1 : 0.58 for the half-carcass, 1 : 0.37 for the Boston butt, and 1 : 0.79 for the pork belly. Pearson’s correlation coefficient served as the method to evaluate the relationship between the regions. The correlation coefficients for the half-carcass and pork cuts are -0.9608 and 0.7423, respectively, in the order of Boston butt and pork belly. The results of this study confirmed that there is a high negative correlation between the muscle-to-fat volume ratio of the carcass and the Boston butt, but additional research is needed to verify these results. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Engineering

    Spectral analysis for Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis powder adulterated with chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and soybean (Glycine max) flour by pointed near-infrared spectroscopy
    Reza Adhitama Putra Hernanda, Juseung Kim, Juntae Kim, Mohammad Akbar Faqeerzada, Hanim Zuhrotul Amanah, Byoung-Kwan Cho, Moon Sung Kim, Hoonsoo Lee
    Increasing concern for food safety and quality leads to a growing interest in using edible insects as a new food source. Our … + READ MORE
    Increasing concern for food safety and quality leads to a growing interest in using edible insects as a new food source. Our research proposed using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to detect chickpea and soybean flour in Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis (PBS) powder. The adulteration was made by adding the chickpea and soybean flour with 5% increments to the PBS powder and the total weight was five grams. Our proposal utilized two regression machine learning techniques: partial least squares regression (PLSR) and Gaussian process regression (GPR). We found that GPR using the original spectra was the most effective model for predicting chickpea content indicated by an R2p of 0.996, root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.970%, and ratio of prediction to deviation (RPD) of 15.970, while the optimum model for predicting soybean content had an R2p of 991, RMSEP of 1.435%, and RPD of 10.778. This approach showed promise for detecting plant-based adulterants in PBS powder. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Risk assessment and evaluation of herbicide resistance transgenic zoysiagrass (JG21): Responses to Cyprinus carpio fed on herbicide resistance transgenic zoysiagrass
    Kyunglyung Baek, Ye Jin Jang, Hyeon-Jin Sun, Hyo-Yeon Lee, Eun-Hee Song, Seong-Kon Lee, Doh-Won Yun, Jong-Chan Park, Ancheol Chang, Sung-Dug Oh
    Herbicide-resistant transgenic zoysiagrass JG21 expressing bar gene inserted in the plant genome has been generated previously through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The … + READ MORE
    Herbicide-resistant transgenic zoysiagrass JG21 expressing bar gene inserted in the plant genome has been generated previously through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The acute toxicity effect of herbicide-resistant transgenic zoysiagrass and non-genetically modified (GM) zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) on Cyprinus carpio was investigated at different concentrations (0, 1,250, 2,500, 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000 mg·L-1). It was confirmed through strip that herbicide-resistant transgenic zoysiagrass was resistant to glyphosinate herbicides by introduction of phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) gene from the Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Feeding tests were conducted with C. carpio to evaluate the environmental risk of transgenic zoysiagrass, including herbicide resistance gene. C. carpio was fed 100% ground zoysiagrass suspension, herbicide resistance zoysiagrass or non-GM counterpart zoysiagrass. The 48 h-LC50 (lethal concentration 50) values of the herbicide resistance and non-GM counterpart zoysiagrass were 10,670 mg·L-1 (95% confidence limits: 9,230 - 12,340 mg·L-1) and 11,220 mg·L-1 (95% confidence limits: 9,910 - 12,710 mg·L-1), respectively. The zoysiagrass NOEC (no observed effect concentration) value for C. carpio was suggested to be 2,500 mg·L-1. Based on these results, there was no significant difference in toxicity for non-target organisms (C. carpio) between the herbicide resistance zoysiagrass and non-GM counterparts. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Animal

    Bacillus probiotics: A novel spraying agent to supress the noxious gas emission from the pig barn
    Shanchuan Cao, In Ho Kim
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mixed microbial preparations on the production of harmful gas emissions in … + READ MORE
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mixed microbial preparations on the production of harmful gas emissions in pig housing and slurry. The trial was conducted at fattening houses, with a total of 300 pigs. Each room has 150 pigs. Pigs were fed with basal diet for 3 weeks. To supress the noxious gas Bacillus subtilis (1.0 × 107 cfu·g-1) and Bacillus licheniformis (1.0 × 107 cfu·g-1) as spraying agent were used. The ratio of the two bacterial spraying agents was 1 : 1. Spraying at a dilution rate of 500 grams per tonne. A probiotic mixture was sprayed to the faecal slurry twice daily at 8 am and 8 pm. The air in the house and the faecal slurry were tested for on weekly basis. Our results showed that the application of mixed probiotics to the pig barn has significantly reduce acetic acid, H2S, CO2 and methyl mercaptans emission not only from the faecal slurry but also from the barn. In summary, we infer that the continuous spraying of probiotic mixtures would be more helpful to improve air quality in pig houses and also considered as novel strategy to control environmental pollution. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Animal

    Effects of lairage stocking density and lairage time on slaughter pigs
    Se Hyun Park, Dong Cheol Song, Se Yeon Chang, Kyeong Ho Jeon, Hyuck Kim, Jin Mo Yang, Jin Ho Cho
    The aim of this study was to elucidate the impacts of lairage stocking density and lairage time on slaughter pigs. A total … + READ MORE
    The aim of this study was to elucidate the impacts of lairage stocking density and lairage time on slaughter pigs. A total of 607 mixed-sex crossbred fattening pigs (Duroc × [Yorkshire × Landrace], LYD) weighing between 115 and 120 kg at live weight were used. Lairage stocking density treatments were as follows: HD, high stocking density (lower than 0.5 m2 / 100 kg pigs); ND, normal stocking density (0.5 m2 / 100 kg pigs to 0.83 m2 / 100 kg pigs); LD, low stocking density (higher than 0.83 m2 / 100 kg pigs). Lairage time treatment was as follows: ST, short time (0 to 4 h); LT, long time (4 to 8 h). Backfat thickness was significantly increased (p < 0.05) in HD compared with LD. Water holding capacity was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in LD compared with HD. Cooking loss was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in LD compared with HD. Also, LD showed significantly (p < 0.05) lowest sitting behavior compared with ND and HD. Also, HD showed significantly (p < 0.05) highest sitting behavior compared with ND and LD. Moreover, LD showed significantly (p < 0.05) decreased cortisol concentration compared with HD. Therefore, LD could be ideal condition for improve pork quality and animal welfare. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Engineering

    Theoretical kinematic analysis of a sliding-type picking mechanism for automatic pepper seedling transplanters
    Im-Joung Choi, Eliezel Habineza, Md Nasim Reza, Seok-Ho Park, Deok-Hyung Lee, Dae-Hyun Lee, Sun-Ok Chung
    Appropriate pepper seedling picking mechanism significantly impacts the overall transplanting efficiency and mechanization rate. Theoretical analysis of the picking device helps to … + READ MORE
    Appropriate pepper seedling picking mechanism significantly impacts the overall transplanting efficiency and mechanization rate. Theoretical analysis of the picking device helps to generate the necessary kinematic data for predicting the seedling transplanting performance in the actual field. This study aimed at determining feasible link bar combination, velocity, and acceleration, as well as the input driving torque required to convey and release the pepper seedlings smoothly. 3D model assembly of the five-bar sliding-type picking mechanism was theoretically modelled, and the motion was simulated using a commercial software. The model of the sliding pin and bar mechanism consisted of a driving link, a driven link, a connecting link, a slider, a fixed slot, and an end-effector. For the kinematic simulation, the dimensions of the driving link, driven link, connecting link, and end-effector were variable, while the dimensions of the fixed slot and slider remained constant. To select the proper link bar combination with the corresponding peak velocity and acceleration that maintains an appropriate picking trajectory, ten simulation trials of different link bar lengths were conducted. To calculate the driving torque needed to transplant one pepper seedling, six driving-link speed trials were considered. The best link bar combination found was 54 mm, 106 mm, 116 mm, 114 mm, and 140 mm for the driving link, connecting link, driven link, end-effector, and fixed link, respectively. At a 30 rpm of driving link speed, the end-effector exhibited optimal velocities of 0.274 m·s-1 and 0.199 m·s-1, and accelerations of 2.94 m·s-2 and 8.249 m·s-2 along the x- and y-axes, respectively. The driving torque required to complete one revolution cycle of pepper seedling picking was 2,700 Nm at a rate of 30 seedlings per minute. The results of this study would offer theoretical support for enhancing the design of the sliding pin and bar mechanism used pepper seedling transplanters. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on growth, photosynthesis and leaf nutrient of seedlings of warm temperate species (Chamaecyparis obtusa, Machilus thunbergii, Quercus salicina)
    Hyung Won Kim, Min Seon Jo, Woo Bin Youn, Hyun Ju Lee, Ye Jin Kong, Jong Chan Yeo, Sang Hyun Park, Byung Bae Park
    The demand for seedlings of warm temperate tree species is increasing because of warming by climate change in Korea Peninsula. In order … + READ MORE
    The demand for seedlings of warm temperate tree species is increasing because of warming by climate change in Korea Peninsula. In order to produce healthy seedlings, appropriate fertilization methods must be established for each species. In this study, we investigated the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on the growth, photosynthesis, specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf nutrient content of one-year-old seedlings of Chamaecyparis obtusa, Machilus thunbergii, and Quercus salicina. A total of 16 fertilization treatments, combining four levels of N (0, 1, 2, 3) and P (0, 1, 2, 3), were applied. For instance, a treatment with zero nitrogen and double phosphorus was expressed as N0P2. The results revealed that nitrogen fertilization significantly enhanced root collar diameter, height, and photosynthesis across all three species, while phosphorus fertilization alone showed no significant effects on growth. Optimal photosynthesis was observed under N2P0 for C. obtusa, N2P3 for M. thunbergii, and N3P0 for Q. salicina. These findings suggest that nitrogen fertilization is critical for promoting seedling growth and physiological performance, but over-fertilization may result in growth inhibition or imbalances in nutrient uptake. This study provides valuable insights into N and P fertilization strategies and highlights the importance of optimizing nitrogen and phosphorus inputs for healthy seedling production. The results will contribute to improving the adaptability and productivity of warm temperate tree species, supporting their effective use in reforestation and afforestation under changing climate conditions. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Soil brought and subsoil inversion effects on Pinus densiflora, Pinus koraiensis and Prunus sargentii seedlings at the nursery production system
    Sang Hyun Park, Ye Jin Kong, Woo Bin Youn, Jong Chan Yeo, Hyung Won Kim, Hyun Ju Lee, Byung Bae Park
    Healthy seedling production is one of the essential processes for a sustainable afforestation system. In Korea, despite technological advancements, more than 60% … + READ MORE
    Healthy seedling production is one of the essential processes for a sustainable afforestation system. In Korea, despite technological advancements, more than 60% of seedling production continues to rely on traditional open-field seedlings. This is primarily due to the limited adoption of systematic container seedling production and advanced management technology. Growing seedlings in fixed plots over long periods often leads to issues such as soil degradation and nutrient depletion, which hinder the production of healthy seedlings. This study investigated the impact of three soil improvement treatments on the growth characteristics of major economic tree species in Korea, specifically Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc., Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc., and Prunus sargentii Rehder. The soil treatments examined include: (1) “soil brought” addition, where new soil is layered on top of existing soil, (2) “subsoil inversion”, a method that enhances soil quality by mixing surface soil with subsoil, and (3) “mixed treatment”, a 1 : 1 blend of existing soil and new soil. The results indicated that the subsoil inversion treatment improved soil mass and clay ratio, alleviated the physicochemical properties of the soil, and positively influenced the early growth of seedlings. The soil brought treatment showed an increase in the sand ratio and yielded the lowest growth performance for seedlings, contrary to previous studies. These findings can be attributed to the fact that the soil used in “soil brought” was similar to conventional soils commonly used in seedling production. The mixed treatment showed a positive effect after the subsoil inversion, suggesting that it holds potential as an alternative method for soil improvement. While the soil improvement methods discussed in this study are well-known, further research is necessary due to the varying results that emerge depending on the species and environmental conditions. Thus, the findings emphasize the need for species-specific and site-specific soil improvement strategies to enhance the success of afforestation efforts. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    The effects of N and P fertilizer application on the growth and nutrient concentrations of Chamaecyparis obtusa, Machilus thunbergii, Quercus salicina seedlings in Jeju Island, Korea
    Hyun Ju Lee, Jong Chan Yeo, Woo Bin Youn, Hyung Won Kim, Sang Hyun Park, Ye Jin Kong, Byung Bae Park
    This study aimed to determine optimal nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization levels for seedling production of Chamaecyparis obtusa, Machilus thunbergii … + READ MORE
    This study aimed to determine optimal nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization levels for seedling production of Chamaecyparis obtusa, Machilus thunbergii, and Quercus salicina in Jeju Island, Korea. Sixteen fertilization treatments combining four levels each of N (0, 30, 60, 90 g·m-2) and P (0, 70, 140, 210 g·m-2) were applied to one-year-old seedlings. After 4 months, growth parameters, photosynthetic characteristics, soil and foliar nutrient concentrations were measured. Results showed that excessive combined N and P fertilization negatively impacted seedling growth and photosynthesis across all species. For C. obtusa and M. thunbergii, treatments N1P3 (N 30 g·m-2, P 210 g·m-2) or N3P0 (N 90 g·m-2, P 0 g·m-2) produced optimal results, while N3P2 (N 90 g·m-2, P 140 g·m-2) was most suitable for Q. salicina. Nitrogen fertilization significantly decreased foliar P, K, and Mg concentrations in C. obtusa and M. thunbergii. Phosphorus fertilization increased foliar P in Q. salicina, though not significantly. Soil pH and exchangeable K decreased with increasing fertilization rates, while electrical conductivity increased with P application. This study provides insights into species-specific fertilization strategies for seedling production in Jeju Island. These findings can contribute to more economical and environmentally efficient seedling production practices for these species in Jeju Island. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Growth responses of Pinus densiflora and Betula platyphylla seedlings by soil improvement treatment in a nursery
    Ye Jin Kong, Min Seon Jo, Woo Bin Youn, Sang Hyun Park, Jong Chan Yeo, Hyung Won Kim, Hyun Ju Lee, Byung Bae Park
    This study investigated the growth response of planted Pinus densiflora and Betula platyphylla seedlings to 8 soil improvement treatments: No treatment for … + READ MORE
    This study investigated the growth response of planted Pinus densiflora and Betula platyphylla seedlings to 8 soil improvement treatments: No treatment for control, two organic composts (Comp_B and Comp_Y), and 5 inorganic amendments (vermiculite, perlite, two level of zeolites, and PVZ (perlite + vermiculite + zeolite) at the Yongmoon Nursery. No significant effects on growth were observed in P. densiflora with soil amendment treatments, whereas there were significant growth changes in B. platyphylla (p < 0.05). The height of B. platyphylla in the Zeo_5 (zeolite 5 kg) treatment was significantly greater than in the control, and the dry weight in the Verm (vermiculite) treatment increased compared to the control. Additionally, the H/D ratio of both P. densiflora and B. platyphylla in the PVZ treatment fell within the standard seedling range, while only the T/R ratio of B. platyphylla in the PVZ treatment was within the appropriate T/R ratio. The results indicate that birch is more responsive to soil amendment treatments than pine, and some soil improvements could be applied in a permanent nursery system. Because the seedlings responses to soil improvement are different by species and materials used for soil amendments, soil improvement treatment should be specific by nursery condition to be more effective for tree growth as well as for soil stabilization in open-field nurseries and production of healthy seedlings. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    A needs analysis for a forest therapy program based on foreign resident demographics
    Young Ha Lee, Bum Jin Park
    This study was conducted as basic research to expand the mental and physical therapeutic functions of forest therapy to foreign residents, aiming … + READ MORE
    This study was conducted as basic research to expand the mental and physical therapeutic functions of forest therapy to foreign residents, aiming to provide data for creating culturally tailored forest therapy programs. A survey of 107 foreign residents in Daejeon, Korea, revealed that 74% were unaware of forest therapy, but 78.5% were interested in participating. The preferred group size was 6 - 10 people, with Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm being the most popular time. Participants favored outdoor programs and were willing to pay KRW 10,000 - 20,000 for a 2-h session. Acculturation stress was generally low, but higher among Asian and African respondents compared to North Americans and Europeans. Forest therapy, known for its positive effects on various types of stress as demonstrated by previous studies, could be a valuable solution for alleviating the acculturation stress experienced by foreign residents in Korea. To design effective programs, it’s essential to consider cultural differences and increase awareness of forest therapy. Future research should explore the connection between these programs and psychological factors like depression and anxiety. The findings offer a foundation for developing supportive forest therapy initiatives for foreign residents. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Animal

    Effect of the new attractive compositions for mass capture of the yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
    Jong-Eun Lee, Hyo-Ryeo Cho, Sang-Kyu Park, Yu-Jin Kim, So-Young Jung, Myeong-Hyeon Nam
    The yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax, has been causing very serious damage to beekeepers for the past few years, yet there … + READ MORE
    The yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax, has been causing very serious damage to beekeepers for the past few years, yet there is no effective control technology available. This study was carried out to improve the attraction and persistence of compositions for the capture of wasps including the yellow-legged hornet. From April 1st to November 30th 2023, experiments were conducted to capture hornets. The total number of hornets captured using two control products (Cont.-A and Cont.-B) and four compositions (P-A, P-G, T23-A, and T23-G) were as follows: Cont.-A 193, Cont.-B 223, P-A 619, T23-A 877, P-G 719, and T23-G 1,253. In particular, in the peak season (from October to November), the wasp reproduction period, the mean number of wasps captured by different treatments from October 16 to October 22 at the apiary in Nonsan including V. velutina nigritharax, V. mandarinia, and V. analis etc. were 16.1 ± 0.5 in control A and B, 45.6 ± 6.3 in P-A, 78.3 ± 8.7 in T23-A, 100.3 ± 12.5 in P-G, and 293.6 ± 7.4 in T23-G. The capture index (CI) compared to the control group (A&B) at the most number of wasps captured from October 16 to October 22 was evaluated as P-A 2.9, T23-A 4.9, P-G 6.3, and T23-G 18.4. In addition, the mean distribution rate of the captured wasps was showed as V. velutina nigrithorax 83.3%, V. crabro flavofasciata 8.7%, V. ducalis 4.0%, V. mandarinia 3.8%, and V. analis 0.2%. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Comparative hydrophilics metabolic profiling of drought-tolerant GM rice (Agb0103) and commercial rice (Oryza sativa L.) across regions and years using multivariate analysis
    Gyeong-Min Lee, Ye-Jin Jang, Soo-Yun Park, Eun-Ha Kim, Imran Muhammad, Kyunglyung Baek, Doh-Won Yun, Jong-Chan Park, An-Cheol Chang, Sung-Dug Oh
    The safety evaluation of genetically modified (GM) crops intended for food and feed involves a comparative analysis of their composition and phenotype … + READ MORE
    The safety evaluation of genetically modified (GM) crops intended for food and feed involves a comparative analysis of their composition and phenotype against established varieties. This study aimed to conduct a comparative metabolic profiling of drought-tolerant GM rice (Agb0103), its isogenic counterpart rice (Ilmi), and various commercial rice varieties utilizing multivariate analysis. The rice varieties examined included drought-tolerant GM rice (Agb0103), isogenic counterpart rice (Ilmi), and commercial varieties such as Nakdong, Dongjin, Nampyeong, Chilbo, and Unkwang, all of which belong to the japonica type. Extracted samples underwent analysis via gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS), resulting in the profiling of 43 distinct hydrophilic metabolites, including organic acids, amino acids, and sugars, which were subsequently subjected to rigorous multivariate statistical analyses. Correlations across different regions, years, and varieties were assessed using principal component analysis, hierarchical clustering analysis, and partial least squares discriminant analysis. Despite variations observed among the different varieties, regions, and years, the drought-tolerant GM rice (Agb0103) exhibited a composition analogous to that of the isogenic counterpart rice (Ilmi) and commercially available varieties, revealing no statistically significant differences from the commercially available rice. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Food & Chemistry

    Effect of liquid fraction from livestock manure on short-term cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cultivation
    Jong-Oui Park, Yun-Gu Kang, Deog-Bae Lee, Byeong-O Lee, Taek-Keun Oh
    Liquid fraction of livestock manure (LF) is often not preferred as a fertilizer due to its low convenience compared to inorganic fertilizer … + READ MORE
    Liquid fraction of livestock manure (LF) is often not preferred as a fertilizer due to its low convenience compared to inorganic fertilizer (IF). This study investigated the potential of using a liquid fraction from livestock manure as a convenient alternative to IF. The experiment evaluated the before and after effects of mixed use of IF and liquid fraction on cucumber productivity and soil chemistry. The LF used in the experiment was fermented and the suspended solids were filtered to facilitate for irrigation. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with treatments consisting of no treatment (Control), IF treatment, mixed use of liquid fraction of livestock manure and inorganic fertilizer (LF+IF). The results showed that the productivity of LF+IF converged at 99% compared to the IF treatment. Although the total production was the same for about 27 harvests, the yields varied through harvest season. And in soil chemistry, Organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and electrical conductivity (EC) were lower in the LF+IF compared to the IF treatments, with potassium, calcium, magnesium, and EC corrected to appropriate levels. Therefore, it is believed that LF can not only replace IF, but also improve the excessive accumulation of soil nutrients in the soil. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Food & Chemistry

    Seed germination and bio-luminance inhibition assay for ecotoxicity of selenium
    Hyun-Young Kim, Young-Kyu Hong, Jin-Wook Kim, Sung-Chul Kim
    Selenium (Se) is an essential element for the growth of crops, animals, and even humans. However, little information is available on the … + READ MORE
    Selenium (Se) is an essential element for the growth of crops, animals, and even humans. However, little information is available on the toxic effect of Se in terms of ecological aspects. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the ecotoxicological impact of Se based on seed germination and bio-luminance inhibition assay using mono and dicotyledonous plants and bioluminescent bacteria (Vibrio fischeri). The result showed that ecotoxicity of Se was not observed for monocotyledonous while significantly low germination rate (17.8% for Chinese cabbage and 15.6% for cabbage) was monitored for the dicotyledonous at the 50 mg·L-1 of Se concentration. In addition, a low activity inhibition rate (less than 30%) was observed when the bio-luminescence test was conducted. Overall, the ecotoxicity of Se can vary depending on the test species and the ecotoxicological database is necessary for the understanding of Se toxicity in the organisms. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Food & Chemistry

    Effect of poultry manure biochar on soil nutrition and carbon improvement in Saemangeum reclaimed soils
    Ju-Hyoung Shin, Yun-Gu Kang, Jun-Yeong Lee, Jun-Ho Kim, Taek-Keun Oh
    Low nutrient and organic matter (OM) contents in reclaimed agricultural soils can hinder crop growth, making it essential to improve the chemical … + READ MORE
    Low nutrient and organic matter (OM) contents in reclaimed agricultural soils can hinder crop growth, making it essential to improve the chemical characteristics of reclaimed agricultural soil to maintain crop productivity. Poultry manure (PM) can effectively supply nutrient content by its high nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations, while leads to environmental issues, including odor and greenhouse gas emissions, by improper pre-treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of PM-based biochar containing the varying rate of rice husk on soil improvement in reclaimed agricultural land. Soil samples were collected from the Saemangeum reclaimed land, and biochars were produced using PM as the primary ingreidient, with different proportions (i.e., 0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, and 100%) of rice husk. All biochar samples were pyrolyzed at 350℃ for 1 h. Chemical characteristics of biochar showed that increasing the proportion of rice husk decreased the pH electrical conductivity, and nutrient (N, K2O, CaO, and MgO) contents, while carbon and OM contents increased. Regarding soil improvement, the nutrient and OM contents significantly increased when biochar was applied at a rate of 5.0 Mg·ha-1 or more. Lettuce yield increased as the biochar application rate increased and the rice husk ratio in the PM-based biochar decreased, with the highest yield (33.52 Mg·ha-1) observed in reclaimed soil treated with 10.0 Mg·ha-1 of PM-based biochar without rice husk. Therefore, to improve soil nutrient content, minimizing the rice husk proportion in the PM-based biochar was most effective, while OM improvement was enhanced with increasing rice husk ratios. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Analyzing changes in media coverage of forest roads from 2014 to 2023: A text mining approach
    Hyeon-Jun Jeon, Ye Jun Choe, Hyeongkeun Kwon, Yeong-In Hwang, Joon-Woo Lee
    This study examines changes in media coverage of forest roads from 2014 to 2023 using text mining techniques. As key infrastructure for … + READ MORE
    This study examines changes in media coverage of forest roads from 2014 to 2023 using text mining techniques. As key infrastructure for sustainable forest management, forest roads also contribute to wildfire suppression and disaster prevention. By analyzing news articles, the research identifies a shift in media focus from forest management and public access to the role of forest roads in disaster management, particularly in response to recent large-scale wildfires and climate-induced extreme weather events. Using methodologies such as term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), N-gram, and clustering, the findings provide insights into evolving societal perceptions of forest roads, offering valuable information for future policy-making and research. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Comparison of forest fire damage reduction effects of forest road based on dNBR
    Yeongin Hwang, Hyeongkeun Kweon, Kyeongcheol Lee, Jung Il Seo, Seong-Min Choi, Yun-Jin Shim, Joon-Woo Lee, Jin Seong Hwang
    This study was conducted to compare the intensity of forest fire damage based on the distance from the center of forest roads … + READ MORE
    This study was conducted to compare the intensity of forest fire damage based on the distance from the center of forest roads in three regions where forest roads were constructed within areas affected by forest fires in 2023. The difference normalized burn ratio (dNBR) was utilized to quantify the intensity of forest fire damage. The results demonstrated that the intensity of forest fire damage increased with distance from the forest road center, yet remained significantly lower than that in the overall fire-affected region (p < 0.001). Regarding burn severity classifications, the proportions of ‘Unburned’ and ‘Low severity’ areas decreased as the distance from the forest road center increased, while the proportions of ‘Moderate high severity’ and ‘High severity’ areas increased. Overall, the intensity of forest fire damage in the periphery of forest roads was lower compared to the broader fire-affected regions, as indicated by average dNBR values and burn severity levels. However, a direct causal relationship between the presence of forest roads and the reduction in forest fire damage intensity in their periphery was not established. Further investigations, including satellite imagery analysis and on-site verification, are deemed necessary to better elucidate the distribution and intensity of forest fire damage in these areas. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Adolescents’ perceptions and information needs regarding agricultural biotechnology: Deriving effective information delivery strategies
    Bumkyu Lee, Sung-Dug Oh, Jong Mi Kim
    This study aimed to examine adolescents’ perceptions of agricultural biotechnology, their information needs, and preferred methods of information delivery, in order to … + READ MORE
    This study aimed to examine adolescents’ perceptions of agricultural biotechnology, their information needs, and preferred methods of information delivery, in order to develop effective strategies for information delivery. Only 25.2% of the adolescents voluntarily collected information on agricultural biotechnology, with high school students (28.9%) having 9.9% more experience than middle school students. An assessment of their subjective and objective awareness and interest levels showed that adolescents’ objective awareness was not lower than that of adults. In particular, the error rate was 4.3% lower, indicating positive and appropriate sharing of agricultural biotechnology information. An analysis of the correlation between subjective awareness, objective awareness, and interest suggested that increasing interest, which serves as a cause for both subjective and objective awareness, should be prioritized. To better understand adolescents’ information collection characteristics, this study also examined their preferred and trusted media, areas of interest, and information needs. Regarding the status of information collection and acceptance, the influence of negative information on acceptance was greater than that of positive information, regardless of the participants’ previous information collection experience. Experienced information collectors were more influenced by acceptance than inexperienced individuals. Further, adolescents’ preferred and trusted media, areas of interest, and information needs should be considered when providing and sharing information. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Engineering

    Analysis of reservoir flood inflow and outflow: Case study of O-eo reservoir
    Yeon-Dong Choi, Yonghyeon Lee, Hyunuk An, Heasumg Lim, Youngteck Hur
    In this study, we investigated the flood inflow and outflow dynamics of the O-eo reservoir in Korea using a distributed hydrological model … + READ MORE
    In this study, we investigated the flood inflow and outflow dynamics of the O-eo reservoir in Korea using a distributed hydrological model incorporating the Auto ROM (automatic reservoir operation method) technique. The K-water distributed runoff model (K-DRUM) was employed to simulate the complex hydrological processes within the reservoir basin, including surface water, subsurface flow, and groundwater flow. The main innovation of this study is the development of spillway discharge curves tailored specifically to the O-eo reservoir, which previously lacked sufficient observational data. Auto ROM technology was applied to manage flood conditions by simulating dynamic water storage and release control during peak inflow periods to ensure reservoir safety. The model was validated using observed data from a nearby dam and showed satisfactory accuracy with a percent bias (PBIAS) of 82.65% and an R-squared value of 0.72. The results demonstrate that the model effectively predicted flood inflows, with a maximum inflow of 353.16 m3·s-1, closely aligning with findings from previous studies. Simulated outflows during the flood period remained within safe operational limits, highlighting the model’s potential for real-time flood prediction and effective reservoir management. This study contributes to the development of more robust flood prediction and water resources management systems, offering practical solutions for reservoir management in regions with limited monitoring capabilities. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Engineering

    Development of overtopping protection system using gabion retaining wall in deteriorated agricultural reservoir embankment
    Young Hak Lee, Ji Sang Han, Tae Min Yeom, Su Hyeon Park, Sung Won Song, Bo Ra Yun, Cheol Han Kim, Dal Won Lee
    In this study, large laboratory model experiments were conducted when the gabion retaining wall was non-reinforced, geomembrane, and core reinforced to prevent … + READ MORE
    In this study, large laboratory model experiments were conducted when the gabion retaining wall was non-reinforced, geomembrane, and core reinforced to prevent the overtopping, which is the major cause for the collapse of deteriorative reservoirs. The deformation observation, pore water pressure, and displacement distribution behavior according to flood water level, dam crest water level, and overtopping water level were compared and analyzed. In case of non-reinforcement, the overflow began from the dam crest water level, and part of the dam crest collapsed as the core of the most vulnerable part was scoured. However, in the case of reinforcement with geomembrane and core, there was no leakage at the interface with the structure due to the cut-off by the reinforcement and the smooth discharge of the filter. The distribution of pore water pressure increased as the water level increased and remained constant. The upper portion (P5) of the downstream, which can directly confirm the leakage effect by seepage, was very small due to the cut-off of the reinforcement and the drainage of the filter. Horizontal and vertical displacements in non-reinforcement were analyzed to have a very small effect on stability. Displacement in the case of geomembrane and core reinforcement was found to be smaller than in the case of non-reinforcement, and it was evaluated to be stable within the design criteria of the fill dam. It was evaluated that overtopping prevention structures was effectively prevented because there were no defect such problems as leakage, deformation, piping, different settlement, sliding and overturning. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Management & Economics

    Study for the development of policy through a survey on the current status of food industry in Chungnam area
    Sounghun Kim, Gwangsik Oh, Ga Eul Kim
    Chungnam province has the agricultural industry and the food processing industry which are closely connected. These two industries has been growing continuously … + READ MORE
    Chungnam province has the agricultural industry and the food processing industry which are closely connected. These two industries has been growing continuously but it is still required to develop the supporting programs for the better industries. The objective of this study is to analyze the food processing industry in Chungnam and to suggest the better way for the developing the food processing industry in Chungnam. In particular, this study focuses on the Kimchi industry, traditional liquor industry, soybean sauce industry, and restaurant & experience industry. The results of this study through survey, frequency analysis, and importance-performance analysis (IPA) are as follows: First, food processing companies in Chungnam normally use the agricultural products which are produced in Korea. And this way of using raw materials might lead to shared growth between agricultural industry and food processing industry in Chungnam. Second, the food processing companies in Chungnam show the low level of R&D capacity and the need of improvement for selling and promotion. Third, through the IPA, Chungnam province office needs to improve the overall supporting programs for improvement of management practice of the food processing companies in Chungnam. More specifically, the financial supporting programs for buying raw material and operating business of the Kimchi industry are required to be improved. The supporting programs for operating business of the traditional liquor industry and soybean sauce industry should be strengthen. The supporting programs for employment of restaurant & experience industry need to be improved. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Engineering

    Water stress level classification of sweet potato using infrared thermal imaging and plant growth indicators
    Ji Won Choi, Soo Been Cho, Woon-Ha Hwang, Byoung-Kwan Cho, Dae-Bin Song, Geonwoo Kim
    Recently, sudden droughts and floods due to the average temperature increase have become frequent and have become an emerging issue worldwide. It … + READ MORE
    Recently, sudden droughts and floods due to the average temperature increase have become frequent and have become an emerging issue worldwide. It has caused serious decline in agricultural yield and product quality. Also, even though sweet potato is well known for growing under harsh environment, its yield can be affected by abnormal climates. Therefore, the importance of water stress monitoring of sweet potatoes has drawn substantial attention. As a result, a lot of research is being conducted. Then, various water stress level monitoring techniques have been recently developed. Therefore, in the current study, a nondestructive evaluation technique has been suggested for the water stress level evaluation of field-grown sweet potatoes. To accomplish this, thermal imagery and support vector machine (SVM) technique was used and a classifier for water stress evaluation (CSE) was developed. In addition, crop water stress index (CWSI) was derived from acquired thermal imagery and plat growth indices was used for developing the CSE. Consequently, the accuracy of the newly developed CSE was about 0.86. This study has demonstrated that CSE can be used to quantify water level stress and control the amount of irrigation water. Furthermore, based on the developed technique, the water stress level of different field-grown crops will be promising. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Management & Economics

    Effects of exports of agricultural products on regional economy: In case of the Miryang area
    Sorim Kee, Hansung Lee
    This paper aims to estimate effects of exports of agricultural products on regional economy using the export base model. The Miryang area, … + READ MORE
    This paper aims to estimate effects of exports of agricultural products on regional economy using the export base model. The Miryang area, located in Gyungsangnam-do, was adopted for a case study. Miryang has been known as one of the representative agricultural regions. Agricultural products produced in Miryang are consumed in Miryang as well as exported out of Miryang. Agricultural products exported out of Miryang might have an important role in regional economy. It would be meaningful to estimate the effects of exports of agricultural products on regional economy. Using the export base model, the export multiplier in the Miryang area was estimated to be 6.98 based upon 2020 database, which means that one additional unit of export from Miryang induces 6.98 units of regional products in 2020. Exports of agricultural products out of Miryang was estimated to be 249,341 million won in 2020. If we multiply export multiplier by exports of agricultural products, we can get gross effect on production inducement, which amounts to 1,740,400 million won. Gross effect on production inducement can be divided into two parts, one is direct effect, 249,341 million won, the other is derived effect, 1,491,059 million won. Gross effect on employment inducement also can be estimated, which amounts to 23,766 employees. In addition, effects of technological advancement, effects of product standardization, effects of farm income increase, and effects of relative industry development can also be expected. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Food & Chemistry

    Residual characteristics of picoxystrobin, flufenoxuron, and teflubenzuron in Chinese matrimony vine by heat-drying treatment
    Seo-Young Jang, Young-Shin Kim, Chi-Hwan Lim
    Chinese matrimony vine (Lycium chinense) is applied with fungicides and insecticides such as picoxystrobin, flufenoxuron, and teflubenzuron during the cultivation. … + READ MORE
    Chinese matrimony vine (Lycium chinense) is applied with fungicides and insecticides such as picoxystrobin, flufenoxuron, and teflubenzuron during the cultivation. After the harvest, the Chinese matrimony vine is dried at 60℃ to prevent spoiling during storage before distribution. During the heat-drying treatment, the concentrations of pesticides remaining in the agricultural products can increase, raising safety concerns. In this study, we cultivated the Chinese matrimony vine with applications of picoxystrobin, flufenoxuron, and teflubenzuron in line with their application guidelines and harvested the final products 7 and 14 days after the application. The pesticide residue analysis was conducted to evaluate the residual characteristics of the applied pesticides before and after the heat-drying treatment of the Chinese matrimony vine at 60℃. The residual concentrations of the three applied pesticides dissipated in the harvested Chinese matrimony vine over time and were in the range of 0.34 to 1.02 mg·kg-1, which are below their maximum residue levels (MRLs). After the heat-drying, the residual concentrations of the pesticide (1.23 to 4.36 mg·kg-1) increased due to the biomass reduction but were still below the MRLs. The processing factors of picoxystrobin, flufenoxuron, and teflubenzuron in the Chinese matrimony vine by heat-drying treatment were calculated as 3.35, 4.75, and 3.85, respectively. In conclusion, the Chinese matrimony vines grown by applications with the tested pesticides were safe from the pesticide residues, and the heat-drying treatment increased the pesticide residue concentrations at the levels that do not exceed their MRLs. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Engineering

    A study on cultivation models and mechanization rates for onion cultivation standardization: Focusing on the Gyeongsangnam-do
    Jae-Seo Hwang, Young-Sun Kang, Wan-Soo Kim
    Onion cultivation model in Republic of Korea vary greatly by region, making it difficult to standardize farming machinery and hindering efficient mechanization. … + READ MORE
    Onion cultivation model in Republic of Korea vary greatly by region, making it difficult to standardize farming machinery and hindering efficient mechanization. This study was conducted to establish a standardized onion cultivation model by surveying farmer located in the major onion-producing areas of Changnyeong, Hapcheon, and Hamyang in Gyeongsangnam-do. The survey also included factors such as intra-row spacing, inter-row spacing, ridge width, ridge height, furrow width, mulch width, and planting rows, with averages and modes analyzed by region. The average age of farmers was 57, 55, and 52 ages in Changnyeong, Hapcheon, and Hamyang, respectively, and the cultivation area was 26,612, 50,103, and 36,992 m2, respectively. The results of the mode analysis for cultivation model showed intra-row spacing of 13 cm, inter-row spacing of 15 cm, furrow width of 40 cm, ridge height of 25 cm, ridge width of 110 cm, mulch width of 170 cm, and 8 planting row. The mechanization rate of onion cultivation was 100% for tractors, 53% for seeders, 67% for bed formers & mulchers, 58% for transplanters, 39% for stem cutters, 72% for harvesters, and 19% for collectors. In addition, some issues were raised that were problematic in improving machine utilization. The results of this study are expected to present useful results for the development of a standard mechanized cultivation model for onion cultivation. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Management & Economics

    Characteristics analysis of Millennials’ types classified by multivariate methods: Based on consumption values and their food purchasing behavior via online
    Uhn-Soon Gim, Hye Jung Moon, Tsolmon Byamba-Ochir
    This study aimed to classify the Types of Millennials based on consumption values and their food related lifestyles, and to analyze the … + READ MORE
    This study aimed to classify the Types of Millennials based on consumption values and their food related lifestyles, and to analyze the online food purchasing behavior of each Type. For the analysis, data of 483 Millennial households were used among the original data from the 2021 Food Consumption Behavior Survey by the Korea Rural Economic Institute. Through factor analysis, six common factors of Millennials’ food consumption propensity were derived based on nineteen characteristics of food-related lifestyles and new consumption values. Applying cluster analysis, by using factor scores of the six common factors, Millennials was divided into three groups, Type 1, 2, 3: Type 1 seeking health and environment, who is mainly consisting of couples and children, is the most active group in purchasing various foods both via online and offline, and is also the highest in spending on eating out with family, hence overall meal satisfaction and health self-assessment are also the highest among the three groups; Type 2 seeking convenience and information, who has the highest urban residence rate and regular exercise rate among the three groups, has the highest dependence on online food and the highest frequent meals with family; Type 3 named low involvement Type, who is mainly composed of one or two family members with the highest proportion of double-income households, relatively neglects the quality of family meals or overall meals with the lowest dependence on online food, while dependence on delivery food is relatively high. In addition, the effect of Millennials’ food consumption propensities, various socio-demographic, and economic factors on the proportion of online food purchases was analyzed through multiple regression analysis. Finally, customized strategies of each Type were presented in order to promote online food purchase as well as health of Millennials. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Food & Chemistry

    Response of biochar amendment for substituting organic fertilizer ingredients in kale-grown soils
    Yun-Gu Kang, Jiwon Choi, Jun-Yeong Lee, Jun-Ho Kim, Ji-Hoon Kim, Do-Gyun Park, Taek-Keun Oh, Yeo-Uk Yun
    Current organic fertilizers are manufactured from imported ingredients, leading to unstable nutrient supply and high price fluctuations. These issues act as factors … + READ MORE
    Current organic fertilizers are manufactured from imported ingredients, leading to unstable nutrient supply and high price fluctuations. These issues act as factors that hinder the use organic fertilizers, so in order to promote sustainable agriculture, it is necessary to domestically produce ingredients. In this study, the feasibility of substituting imported ingredients was evaluated by blending biochar derived from spent coffee grounds (SCGs) into organic fertilizers and applying it to kale-grown soils. To manufacture the SCGs biochar-based organic fertilizers, SCGs were pyrolyzed at 600℃ for 0.5 h, and the resulting biochar was mixed with soybean-meal and rice bran. Additionally, the SCGs biochar-based organic fertilizers were categorized based on the ratio of the SCGs biochar content (20 - 50%). The content of the SCGs biochar in organic fertilizer showed a positive correlation with the soil chemical properties, including soil pH, carbon, and organic matter content. However, the available nitrogen and potassium contents did not vary with the SCGs biochar content in organic fertilizer. This indicates that the SCGs biochar does not supply nutrients to the soil directly, while improving the soil chemical properties. Nonetheless, the kale yield was highest with the organic fertilizer containing 50% of the SCGs biochar at 5.18 Mg·ha-1, which was 1.42-fold higher than the kale yield in untreated soil. Thus, increasing the content of the SCGs biochar in organic fertilizer effectively enahced kale yield by improving soil chemical properties. These findings suggest that the biochar could potentially substitute the imported ingredients in organic fertilizer, which often lead to price volatility and inconsistent quality. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Food & Chemistry

    Physicochemical properties of aronia jam according to sugar substitute combinations
    Mi Hyeon Park, Ju-Sung Kim
    This study investigated optimal sugar substitute combinations (maltitol & sorbitol, maltitol & allulose, maltitol & erythritol, maltitol & xylitol, sorbitol & allulose, … + READ MORE
    This study investigated optimal sugar substitute combinations (maltitol & sorbitol, maltitol & allulose, maltitol & erythritol, maltitol & xylitol, sorbitol & allulose, sorbitol & erythritol, sorbitol & xylitol, allulose & erythritol, allulose & xylitol, erythritol & xylitol) to replace sugar in aronia jam. The highest total sugar content was found in the allulose and erythritol combination, while the pH was highest in the sorbitol and allulose combination. Caramelization occurred due to the heat stability and pH effects of the sweeteners, leading to color changes in the jams. Chemical properties, including total phenolic, flavonoid, and anthocyanin contents, were measured, along with antioxidant assays (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl [DPPH], trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity [TEAC], and ferric reducing antioxidant power [FRAP]). The allulose and erythritol combination showed the highest total phenolic content and performed best in the TEAC and FRAP assays, indicating strong antioxidant capacity. The maltitol and erythritol combination had the highest flavonoid content, correlating with the strongest DPPH free radical scavenging activity. However, no significant differences in anthocyanin content were observed. Based on these results, the allulose and erythritol combination is considered the most suitable sugar substitute for aronia jam due to its high sugar content, stable pH, minimal caramelization, and strong antioxidant properties. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Management & Economics

    Analysis of consumption status for expanding consumption of elderly-friendly foods: Using a survey
    Soon Seop Hwang, Sounghun Kim
    The ratio of elderly population aged 65 and over in Korea was 17% in 2023, and it is projected to reach 38.1% … + READ MORE
    The ratio of elderly population aged 65 and over in Korea was 17% in 2023, and it is projected to reach 38.1% by 2051. In the super-aged society like Korea, one of the key issues is the improvement of the elderly-friendly food industry and the expansion of consumption of elderly-friendly food. The objective of this study is to analyze the consumers’ behavior about the elderly-friendly foods and find the direction for the development of elderly-friendly food industry. The four identified factors are selected as follows: reducing the burden of purchase costs, enhancing the environment to easily purchase more products, improving the quality and safety of products, and strengthening promotions to make product information more easily accessible. Importance-performance analysis (IPA) analysis presents that the level of ease of food intake should be firstly improved. The lower price of elderly-friendly food and the improvement of certification also need to be required. It was also suggested that the term “elderly-friendly food” should be officially changed to a simpler and more recognizable name such as “silver food” or “care food.” Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis presents that improving quality and safety among the four policy factors was identified as the most important policy factor. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Animal

    Taxonomic study of the plant bug species Proboscidocoris varicornis (Jakovlev, 1904) using morphological and molecular data
    Junggon Kim, Geunho Jang, Sunghoon Jung
    A mirine plant bug species, Proboscidocoris varicornis (Jakovlev, 1904) was originally described from the Korean Peninsula. However, it was suggested that P. … + READ MORE
    A mirine plant bug species, Proboscidocoris varicornis (Jakovlev, 1904) was originally described from the Korean Peninsula. However, it was suggested that P. malayus Reuter, 1908, a latter species described from Indonesia and Vietnam is probably a junior synonym of P. varicornis. Given the geographic separation and the absence of records for this species in central regions, along with the fact that it is relatively common, there is uncertainty regarding whether the populations in Vietnam and Korea belong to the same species. In this study, we conducted a morphological study of Proboscidocoris species collected from Korea and Vietnam, and analyzed whether they are conspecific using molecular marker. As a result, it was confirmed that the two species are conspecific based on both morphological and molecular data. P. malayus was not found, and due to the unavailability of the type specimen of P. malayus, it was not possible to confirm the existence or synonymy of this species. However, this study provides direction for future taxonomic research regarding Proboscidocoris species. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Animal

    Effects of supplementing palm kernel meal on growing-finishing pig’s diet: Meta-analysis
    Jae-Cheol Jang, Sang-Hyon Oh, Hong Jun Kim, Yoo Yong Kim, Hee Kyung Oh
    Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the effects of feeding diets containing variable inclusion rates of palm kernel meal (PKM) on … + READ MORE
    Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the effects of feeding diets containing variable inclusion rates of palm kernel meal (PKM) on growth performance of growing-finishing pigs but responses among these studies are inconsistent. Therefore, a systematic review and a meta-analysis was conducted to quantitatively summarize the impact of feeding PKM diets on growth performance including average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI), and gain-to-feed (G : F) ratio. Mean differences of ADG, ADFI, and G : F ratio were calculated using data from 5 studies with 42 observations. The impact of feeding PKM was calculated using the Cohen’s d (CD) to measure differences among control and experimental means, including the effect of pooled standard deviation of treatments. The heterogeneity (I2-statistic, %) across studies was calculated based on Cochran’s Q-statistic method. Inclusion of PKM in the growing-finishing pig diets significantly impact on the effect size of all growth parameters including ADG, ADFI, and G : F ratio (p < 0.01, respectively), but no detrimental trend was observed by increasing levels of PKM on growth performance. It presumably due to the existence of considerable heterogeneity (I2 > 95%) and lack of observations in the dataset, which lead to mask the true impact of PKM in the diet on the performance of growing-finishing pigs. Regardless of these overall responses, PKM continues to be an important and economically justifiable alternative energy and protein source which can be used effectively in swine diets in the global feed industry. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Animal

    Replacing high zinc oxide with natural additives (organic acid blends, essential oils, and capsicum oleoresin) reveals better growth performance in weaning pigs
    Vetriselvi Sampath, In Ho Kim
    The inclusion of antibiotics and zinc oxide (ZnO) in weanlings diet become a common method to cope with various stressor. With the … + READ MORE
    The inclusion of antibiotics and zinc oxide (ZnO) in weanlings diet become a common method to cope with various stressor. With the widespread ban on antibiotic growth promoters in feed, producers started to focus on the use pharmacological doses of ZnO, however prolonged use of high levels of ZnO leads to microbial imprints. To over this issue, we aimed to examine whether replacing high ZnO with natural additives (organic acid blends [OAB], essential oils [EO], capsicum oleoresin [CO], and artificial sweetener [AS]) could reveal better growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and fecal score in weaning pigs. For this, a total of 200 ([Landrace × Yorkshire] × Duroc) piglets with an average body weight (BW) of 6.50 ± 0.66 kg were divided into 4 groups and randomly assigned to have 1 of 5 dietary treatments. The test treatments were as follows: low ZnO (LZ) - basal diet + 125 ppm of ZnO; high ZnO (HZ) - basal diet + 2,500 ppm of ZnO; TRT 1 - LZ + 5 g·kg-1 OAB; TRT 2 - LZ + 0.025 g·kg-1 EO + 0.035 g·kg-1 CO + 0.1 g·kg-1 AS; TRT 3 - LZ + 5 g·kg-1 OAB + 0.025 g·kg-1 EO + 0.035 g·kg-1 CO + 0.1 g·kg-1 AS. Our findings reveal that replacing high ZnO with combination of natural additives (OAB, EO, and CO) improved (p < 0.05) average daily gain and reduce gain to feed ratio in weaning pigs without showing adverse effect on nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and fecal score. In summary, we believe that this study offers a valuable insight into using natural additives in combination with low levels of ZnO as a sustainable alternative to high ZnO levels for better pig production along with biosafety issues. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Management & Economics

    Can agricultural production stability reduce price volatility?
    Jun Ho Seok, Dae Hee Chung, Hanpil Moon
    This study analyzes the effect of Korea’s domestic agricultural production and import on agricultural product price volatility from 1990 to 2022 using … + READ MORE
    This study analyzes the effect of Korea’s domestic agricultural production and import on agricultural product price volatility from 1990 to 2022 using annual data. By applying the autoregressive distributed lag model that estimates both long- and short-term effects, we found that domestic agricultural production and import have a negative (-) relationship with agricultural price volatility in both the long and short-term. This implies that when there is a shock to the supply of domestic and overseas agricultural products, the volatility of agricultural products increases. In particular, the magnitude of the effect on the volatility of agricultural prices was found to be very large in the production of domestic agricultural products compared to imports. This result suggests that stabilizing the production of domestic agricultural products is important in stably managing agricultural prices, and shows where the effective policy direction is in terms of price stability. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Effect of preharvest spray of AVG and sprayable 1-MCP on fruit quality in GA4+7 treated ‘Wonhwang’ pears
    Sung-Joon Park, Hyeong-Seok Lee, Young-Jik Ahn, Jong-Pil Chun
    We compared the effect of preharvest spraying of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and sprayable 1-methylcyclopropene (S1-MCP) factors on fruit quality and physiological disorder incidence … + READ MORE
    We compared the effect of preharvest spraying of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and sprayable 1-methylcyclopropene (S1-MCP) factors on fruit quality and physiological disorder incidence in ‘Wonhwang’ pears (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) treated with gibberellin paste (GA4+7). The flesh firmness decreased rapidly from 32 - 37 N immediately after harvest to 20 days of simulated shelf life at 25℃, with the untreated (9.7 N) and S1-MCP single spray (11.2 N) showing the greatest decrease compared to AVG single spray (14.9 N) and AVG+S1-MCP combined spray (17.8 N). AVG treatment was significantly effective in suppressing core breakdown and water soaking symptoms compared to the control group at 20 days of shelf-life, but S1-MCP treatment was ineffective in suppressing physiological disorders. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Projected distribution of Rhododendron micranthum Turcz. in limestone areas under two climate scenarios using MaxEnt
    Jiyoung Jung, Dong-Hak Kim, Sanghyuk Lee
    Potential shifts in the suitable habitat of limestone-dwelling plant species due to climate change are of considerable biogeographical significance. The species distribution … + READ MORE
    Potential shifts in the suitable habitat of limestone-dwelling plant species due to climate change are of considerable biogeographical significance. The species distribution was projected using maximum entropy (MaxEnt) modeling, a widely recognized approach based on machine learning and statistical analysis. This study utilizes the MaxEnt model to develop a potential distribution map for Rhododendron micranthum, examining its spatial patterns to forecast potential impacts under both present and future climate scenarios. The model exhibited robust performance, with a notably high average area under the curve (AUC), underscoring its reliability and accuracy. Its effectiveness in predicting species distributions based on climate datasets provides critical insights into the potential habitats of limestone regions. A significant contribution of this model lies in its capacity to inform future field surveys, monitoring activities, and management strategies. The findings of this study indicate significant variability in results depending on the climate dataset utilized, underscoring the importance of meticulous selection of climate variables. Ultimately, the application of this model deepens our understanding of regional ecological dynamics and climate behavior, offering a solid scientific basis for biodiversity conservation. Focused conservation efforts in climate-sensitive areas, particularly for geographically isolated species, could accelerate research and lead to more effective species management approaches. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Engineering

    Analysis of driving axle and PTO power transmission efficiency of an 18 kW-class single motor electric tractor
    Cheol Woo Yang, Gyeong Eui Nam, Han Yeol Yu, Jong Dae Park, Jin Woo Jeong, Seung Yun Baek, Yong Joo Kim, Nyun Ki Chung
    This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of an 18 kW-class electric tractor. An electric tractor and 2 types (hydrostatic transmission … + READ MORE
    This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of an 18 kW-class electric tractor. An electric tractor and 2 types (hydrostatic transmission [HST] and mechanical transmission [MT]) of internal combustion engine tractor were utilized, evaluating operational performance such as axle power and power take-off (PTO) power. Axle power and PTO power were measured using a dynamometer. Power transmission efficiency and PTO efficiency were calculated using axle and PTO output data, and a comparative analysis was conducted with data from conventional internal combustion engine tractors (HST and MT types). Axle power in the L (low), M (medium), and H (high) gear stages reached a maximum of 10.4 kW, 12.5 kW, and 12.1 kW, respectively. The electric tractor’s average PTO power was 12.5 kW and its PTO efficiency was 78%. The power transmission efficiency of the electric tractor was 63% and 20% higher than that of the HST and mechanical tractors at L stage, and 31% and 5% higher at M stage. However, in H stage, the power transmission efficiency was 36% higher than that of the HST tractor, but 15% lower than that of the MT tractor. This was believed to be due to the effect of the electric motor, which has lower efficiency at high speeds. The electric tractor’s PTO power was higher in the low-speed range due to motor characteristics compared to conventional internal combustion engine tractors but exhibited a similar pattern thereafter. The average PTO efficiency of the electric tractor was 24% higher than an HST tractor and 26% higher than a MT tractor. Therefore, it was believed that the power loss is less when performing major agricultural work using the electric tractor, and the impact on the decline in agricultural work performance is less. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024
  • Plant & Forest

    Characteristics of endophytic bacteria in Cnidium officinale Makino from the Republic of Korea
    Seok Hui Lee, Jong-Beom Seo, Jun Young Park, Su Hong Jeon, Dae Sol Kim, Hyeon-Jong Kong, Hyun Jun Kim, Hui Yeong Jeong, Jun Won Kang
    This research was carried out to investigate the characteristics of endophytic bacteria from the medicinal plant Cnidium officinale Makino. The plants were … + READ MORE
    This research was carried out to investigate the characteristics of endophytic bacteria from the medicinal plant Cnidium officinale Makino. The plants were collected from four different fields of Bonghwa, Jeongseon, Jecheon and Taebaek in South Korea. Their endophytic bacteria and DNA were extracted and analyzed. As a result of the culture, eight species of culturable endophytic bacteria could be isolated, and Enterobacter ludwigii and Pantoea agglomerans were identified as the main culturable endophytic bacteria. In addition, next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis was performed to analyze unculturable endophytic bacteria, and five orders including Rhizobiales and Streptomycetales were dominant. As a result of beta-diversity analysis, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between each region. Three modules were identified through network analysis, and eight connectors with high among-module connectivity were confirmed. Among them, the relative frequency of Streptomyces sp. is the highest, and it is considered the most important endophytic bacteria in Cnidium. Function prediction was performed with phylogenetic investigation of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states 2 (PICRUSt 2), and module 1 was highly related to the bacterial secretion system. On the other hand, module 2 and module 3 were highly related to plant-pathogen interaction and biosynthesis of siderophore. Therefore, in this study, we suggest that Streptomyces sp. play a key role in maintaining health and growth of Cnidium. - COLLAPSE
    1 December 2024