Korean Journal of Agricultural Science (Korean J. Agric. Sci.; KJOAS)
Indexed in KCI (Korea Citation Index), Open Access, Peer Reviewed.
pISSN 2466-2402
eISSN 2466-2410

Forestry management efficiency analysis based on Forestry Household Economy Survey and Forestry Management Survey



Soon BM, Cho S, Kwak SY, Kang DI. Forestry management efficiency analysis based on Forestry Household Economy Survey and forestry management survey. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 50:155-166.

Korean Journal of Agricultural Science (Korean J. Agric. Sci.) 2023 March, Volume 50, Issue 1, pages 50:155-166. https://doi.org/10.7744/kjoas.20230010

Received on 17 November 2022, Revised on 18 November 2022, Accepted on 23 February 2023, Published on 30 March 2023.

Forestry management efficiency analysis based on Forestry Household Economy Survey and Forestry Management Survey

Byung Min Soon1,*, Sumin Cho1, Soo Yeon Kwak2, Dae Ik Kang3

1Department of Agricultural Economics, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Korea

2Government and Public Research, Gallup Korea, Seoul 03167, Korea

3ICT Management and Statistics Division, Director for ICT Management and Statistics Division, Korea Forest Service, Daejeon 35208, Korea

*Corresponding author: soonbm@cnu.ac.kr


This study aimed to analyze management efficiency to increase forestry income and competitiveness. We used the Forestry Household Economy Survey to generate a ratio of input and output. Eight sectors were considered: silviculture/logging, gathering (e.g., pine mushroom), chestnut tree cultivation, astringent persimmon tree cultivation, nut tree cultivation, mushroom cultivation, material for landscape, and other cultivations. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to calculate management efficiency for these eight sectors in the forestry market. Moreover, a bootstrap DEA was also used to overcome the sample size and achieve relative efficiency that the normal DEA does not show. We found that silviculture/logging, mushroom cultivation, and material for landscape are relatively efficient sectors among the eight sectors. Bootstrap DEA results show that silviculture/logging is relatively efficient compared to mushroom cultivation and material for landscape. We also used the Forestry Management Survey to compare the results with those of the Forestry Household Economy Survey. The results were not the same except for landscape. The reasons are that input or output data are different in the two surveys and the sample size is not the same in the two surveys. Nevertheless, our study can provide necessary evidence for forestry income improvement and management efficiency.


Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Data Envelopment Analysis, Forestry Household Economy Survey, Forestry Management Survey


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Authors Information

Byung Min Soon, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0571-9770

Sumin Cho, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5613-6319

Soo Yeon Kwak, Gallup Korea, Researcher

Dae Ik Kang, Korea Forest Service, Director


이 논문은 2022년도 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 연구되었음(NRF-2022M3J6A1084843).

Conflicts of interest

No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.