Korean Journal of Agricultural Science (Korean J. Agric. Sci.; KJOAS)
Indexed in KCI (Korea Citation Index), Open Access, Peer Reviewed.
pISSN 2466-2402
eISSN 2466-2410

Estimating vegetation index for outdoor freerange pig production 



Estimating vegetation index for outdoor freerange pig production 

Sang-Hyon OH1,†, Hee-Mun Park2,†, Yu-Jeong Jung1, Jin-Hyun Park2,*

1Division of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52725, Korea

2School of Mechatronics Engineering, Engineering College of Convergence Technology, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52725, Korea

These authors equally contributed to this study as first author.

*Corresponding author: uabut@gnu.ac.kr

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변경전(Before correction)

These authors equally contributed to this study as corresponding author.

변경후(After correction)

These authors equally contributed to this study as first author.